Sitcoms have continuously been a well-known genre among audiences all over the world, and India is no special case. The Indian TV industry has delivered a...
The movie Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya follows the life of Aryan Agnihotri, played by Shahid Kapoor, a robotics’ engineer who falls in love with...
Love is a universal language that follows no boundaries or cultures. In the world of Bollywood, there is a treasure trove of romantic movies that have...
Bollywood superstars are literally worshipped in India for their charm, glamour and rizz. Often they are idolised for the “perfect characters” they play on screen, and...
An Indian cinephile just cannot afford to miss out on the joy of watching films in any language, whether Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, or Kannada. South...
Films that evoke both excitement and dread do not have to be restricted to Halloween. These shows include some of the best actors of the contemporary...
With his contagious smile and outstanding comedic timing, Akshay Kumar has established himself as the undisputed comedy king of Bollywood. From his first days in business...
Bigg Boss without fights is like Salman Khan without his signature bracelet. Well, this popular reality show has been known to give some of the most...
Indian patriotic movies are one of the most loved, watched, and, at times, critiqued. Right from the time of Mother India, Indian patriotic movies have proved...
Powerful patriotic dialogues to capture the spirit of India and the joy of Republic Day! Share your favorite lines in the comments, and let’s celebrate together!...
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