Binge-watching this comfort show is absolute heaven, even more so if you relate to the nerds. Introducing Sheldon The show revolves around Sheldon and his friend...
Old is gold, and the ultimate gold in the world of series is the show Friends, the 90s sitcom that has been and still is winning...
June is officially recognized as ‘Pride Month’ globally. It celebrates sexual diversity and equal rights for the LGBT+ community. Pride comes in all colours and shapes!...
In difficult times, we cling to hope, and on happy days, we pass on hope to others. Hope keeps us alive. Literature and hope share a...
Most of the new and creative things we learned as kids were thanks to these shows. They were our original DIY channels that can never, ever...
Despite all salons being closed, it’s safe to say that the hair color industry was thriving throughout the lockdown, and so were beauty and fashion gurus....
We know Fleabag is not renewed for another season, but we have a fix for your Fleabag woes! It’s time to switch over to other kickass...
As Casual Fridays slowly turned to casual every day, the fashion industry began seeing a slight dip in its business as people stopped leaving their houses....
Are you feeling low due to the situation around you? Are you sad, tired, or exhausted? Don’t worry! Here’s a list of Hindi songs to raise...
With the borders closed and people locked inside their homes, traveling seems to be a distant dream. But does that mean you can’t experience the joy...
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