8 Interesting Things When Writing A Film Review

How to write a movie review? This question might have crossed your mind when you watched a great movie or read an engaging movie review. Well, writing a movie review might seem complex, but it’s easy. All you need is to remember a few things and then express your thoughts!

So, a movie review is a critic’s way of evaluating a film and recommending whether the movie is a good watch or not. The review should discuss everything, from the screenplay to the background score, but No Spoilers. Besides avoiding spoilers, there are a few things to note while reviewing a movie, and today, I have brought 8 things to remember when writing a movie review.

This might solve the question, “How to write a movie review?”

Take Notes While Watching

How To Write A Movie Review

It’s the first of How to write a movie review. This can be quite a work while enjoying the film. But taking notes will be of great help while drafting your review. Hence, we recommend you to watch the film more than once. At first, enjoy the much-anticipated movie and then rewatch it, noting the critical instances. Rewatching and rewriting is the key to a great movie review.

Have A Structure

How To Write A Review on movie

There’s no strict format for writing a movie review. However, to provide your readers with a great experience, you can create your structure. All you need to do is segregate the segments, summarise the plot and follow it with your opinions on the filmmaking. It will be great to start with your opinion on the movie overall. 

Be Vocal With Your Opinion

how to write a film review

This is the prime answer to How to write a movie review! Your movie review won’t be fascinating until you have a distinct voice in it; talk about all the things you liked and disliked in the film. Reviewing the script and filmmaking approach will sound technical without your opinions and thoughts about the film. Thus, a perfect film review should be a reflection of your thoughts.

Know Your Readers

How To Write A Movie Review

Knowing your audience becomes vital when it comes to levelling up your movie reviews. You should consider your approach while drafting a review. Writing a review for teenagers behoves a different approach than writing for a professional movie website. It is much enjoyed when your reviews engross the readers more. 

Roll Sound, Lights, and Camera

How To Write A Movie Review

A movie may have an intriguing plot and storyline but it is incomplete without the proper craft of filmmaking. Discussing cinematography techniques, background scores and filmmaking approach will make your review interesting and appealing to new readers. You can enlighten readers about various filmmaking techniques as fun facts in the movie review.  

Who Are The Actors? 

How To Write A Movie Review

Most reviews just mention the actors’ names and talk less about their journey in adapting to their characters. Despite some actors being your favourite, you should unbiasedly write about actors doing justice to the character. Sometimes the actors even push their limits for befitting in a role and appreciating such efforts will make your review more engrossing. 

Insights Are Fun

Well, if you want to make your review sound fun, movie insights can be your thing. Initially, you can get the off-screen fun of a film from the interviews and press releases of the filmmakers. Adding them to your review will make it sound fun and fascinate readers. You can also bring out some hidden facts and unnoticed elements from the films that seemed interesting to you.  

No Spoilers!

No Spoilers How to write a movie review

This is a must! While summarising the plot or expressing your opinions, you need to mind that spoilers are to be avoided. Even if you are dying to discuss a scene with your readers, you gotta wait. Spoilers are a huge turn-off while going through a review. Try to avoid the spoilers and in case you couldn’t raise a spoiler alert in the beginning.

Isn’t that easy? Well, we hope you got the answer to your “How to write a movie review?” question. If you have some more tips and tricks while writing a film review, let us know in the comments below and also write us on Instagram and Facebook.

Till then, stop Googling “How to Write a movie review” and get started with your reviews! 

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