Things You Can Relate If You Are The Dexter Of Your Classroom

Dexter’s Laboratory, an animated show from the American Pandora’s box of cartoon shows is a pretty realistic take on how a select few teenagers might feel when they are in their respective high schools or institutions that revolve around that sort of age gap.

And more so than feeling that way it is essential to living up to that name owing to the stakes that are there from what we discover in the show through Dexter as the central character. To begin with, it is not easy to be the nerd of the nerds. Think about it. Take a second and think about it real hard. That’s not even close to how the thought process of the super-nerds might be working (excluding myself from that bracket totally.)

Teacher’s favorite


To be honest, the teachers fancy the cream of the class. And if they do tend to find a Dexter in the cream, it certainly enhances their worldview of knowledge as well. They do tend to engage more on and off with you (if you are The One) both in the classroom and off the class as well.

It without an inkling of a doubt serves a purpose for the Teacher and also adds a feather to their cap for having discovered a gem like that.

You are sure as hell are talkative!


From another show (Big Bang Theory, for your reference) we find Sheldon as another character who just loves to go on and on and on about how he feels about the subject and the state of affairs, whatever they may be. The same is reflected in the show Dexter’s Laboratory.

Imbibing the same in real life, one must have noticed how extroverted the nerds are generally (leaving a few as exceptions here for being politically correct.) And it is only fitting that this group goes on blabbering because they do have organized and organic material to share with the crowd.

Accept that with both hands if you can!

You’re the reserved type when it comes to personal emotions


Generally speaking, in the post-modern era where many people tend to be confused, the Dexters aren’t as much on that side. However, they do tend to hold back and occupy the back seat when it comes to displaying their personal set of emotions.

This is not to say that they’re not affectionate but it’s just that they tend to occupy a back seat and watch the show go on. In our opinion, this just sort of gives them an emotional cushion and keeps their insecurities away. At times it also hampers the trust that they confide in not so many people going around the table.

An affinity for developing conversation(s)


More so than making friends or close-knit a group, The Dexters inherently love to stimulate conversations between the peers they think are the most desirable ones. Now, this is not to say that they are the Darwin with some selection syndrome but just an affinity that guides their demeanor.

Also, they do not care on most occasions as to what the setting of the conversation is as long as they think that particular conversation is benefitting and honing their ability to indulge in constructive discourse.

Ability to win an argument


This is perhaps a rare skill set that someone can have, apart from the females. The very ability to win an argument and that too convincingly is something that most people find difficulty in. To the ones who are Dexters of the hall, find it not so difficult as such. Put them in any situation, be it any topic, they tend to carve their own way out of that and convincingly win the argument over. Now isn’t that too good an asset to have?

What are your views on this topic, do let us know in the comments section below, and for the ones who relate to being a Dexter, let us know who spoils all your inventions by being the Dee Dee of your life!

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Cover image: Dexter’s Laboratory/Hanna-Barbera/Cartoon Network Studios

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