7 Important Lessons To Learn From Mr Bean

Most of us have grown up watching the Mr. Bean TV series starring Rowan Atkinson, which even inspired an animated version. A silent loner because, for him, Teddy was his best buddy with whom he had traveled miles and even had brunch. He seemed comfortable with those who don’t speak, like Teddy (a stuffed bear), as there are barely any words in his dictionary.

But different characters teach us the best as they unusually live life. So let’s find out 7 mindful lessons from Mr Bean.

Never Let Something Bad Control The Rest Of Your Day


Although he was dropped straight from the sky or maybe by a UFO, he was dropped onto this planet; Earth. And here, having every day as a pleasant day seems a little unrealistic. But Mr. Bean had this the other way. No matter how unfavorable his day went, he never let sad moments cease the better experiences he might come across in the remaining day.

Be Comfortable In Your Skin


Wherever he went, he acted differently in the environment, opposite to what he was supposed to. And the best part is that he never cared what others around him thought of his actions or his appearance. He has always been his true self enjoying the day in his way and also ensuring that he hurts no one in the process.

Less Is More


Mr. Bean has never had materialistic wealth, and he almost always used to wear that same color blazer, pants, and tie. He lived in a small apartment with not much money to have dinner at a fancy restaurant but enough to have meals daily. He never really complained either. Whatever he had was enough for him; money wasn’t the only means to live a rich life.

Don’t Beat Yourself For Making Mistakes


In the 14th episode (Hair by Mr. Bean of London), Mr. Bean gives a few customers a haircut at a salon where he was a customer. When the hairdresser wasn’t in the room, he thought to take his place. Though he made visible mistakes in every haircut, he tried to correct them without them knowing, making us laugh at the funny sights. And when they all came back complaining, he left without being caught and lived the rest of his day with no burden of the past, like it never happened. 

The world Is A Playground, So Have Fun


For him, the world was a playground. Every place for him was a fun place, just like it is for a kid. They abide by no rules or set standards, and the same were his beliefs. In the “Mr. Bean in Room 426” episode, he, like a kid, randomly raced with a person to reach his room before him. He even competed with that random stranger on food and tried mimicking him. We, as normal people, would just take our food and eat, but he has to be unique. 

Always Be Optimistic


Have we ever seen Mr. Bean giving up? He always had this look of optimism that, in every crisis, his brain found bizarre ideas to help him get out of the mess. Even if he was running late, he made sure he reached on time by finding a way to brush and get ready while driving his sweet green car. 

Talk Less Do More


The number of activities he did and experiences he had in a day, we could barely have in a week. He wasn’t much acquainted with words and still knew how to express and channel his emotions into actions. He never went on making plans and having verbal sessions with people for hours, and he only had his Teddy nodding yes and no for him to make up his mind. 

Tell us what lessons Mr Bean taught you.

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