Lessons From Disney’s Turning Red

Turning Red is Disney and Pixar’s newest instalment in their series of stellar movies. Its stellar animation is accompanied by equally wonderful messages and learnings. Here are some of our favourite learnings from the movie.

Express your Emotions


The females of the Lee family were all busy striving to become the person in their respective mother’s eyes, and in the process, they forgot to express themselves. This is what led to their pandas becoming aggressive and wild.

Cherish your Friends

Cherish your Friends

Meilin can calm herself down and control her ancestral panda in public because of how she reminds herself about her love for her friends. They even help her in confronting her mother and becoming her person.

Be proud of who you are


Mei struggles with accepting her imperfections because she feels like they make her a bad daughter, but her father reminds her to make room for all the parts of hers she considers negative since they are still a part of her.

You can still grow as an adult

TURNING RED - You can still grow as an adult

When Mei’s grandmother forgets her feud with her daughter and rushes in to protect her, she proves that age has nothing to do with emotional growth.

Prioritize yourself sometimes


Mei is so busy being the perfect daughter and following her mother’s instructions that she forgets to have fun and be a happy 13-year-old who attends karaoke and hangs out with her friends.

Your enemy can become your friend

Turning red: Your enemy can become your friend

Tyler makes fun of Mei and bullies her and she also dislikes him a lot, but when they figure out that they are both fans of 4Town, they can bond and become friends.

Panicking only makes it worse

Turning Red: Panicking only makes it worse

Every time Mei or her mother lose their cool, they become a beast, which only agitated them more. In moments of stress, it is important to calm yourself down.

What was your favorite part of the movie? Share it with us in the comments.

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Images reference: Turning Red/Disney+Hotstar