Feelings When We Donate Generously

As stereotypical and cliché-ed as this may sound, there is truly no joy greater than the joy of giving.

With a constant need for any and every kind of help amidst the diabolical times of a pandemic, all of us have felt the need to contribute and engage either directly or indirectly into small acts of generosity, acts of kindness, acts of humanity.

Here are a few thoughts we all sympathize with when we make a generous contribution to society.

We are a part of something bigger than ourselves

We are a part of something bigger than ourselves

Our world is always shrunken to ourselves and our families, but when we start acknowledging and acting upon problems beyond our confined lives is when we are turning the wheels of a revolution for a better world.

We are abiding by our duties

We are abiding by our duties

Following the rules and being a law-abiding citizen is not the only thing expected out of us as humans, there are things that go without saying that we all must contribute towards. It is more of a privilege to be able to give than a duty.

To be givers is to unconditionally give

To be givers is to unconditionally give

It is only when we make our first contribution that we realize that one cannot expect something in return for some help towards mankind. If we are to give, give unconditionally. Just because science says your heart is the size of your fist, it need not be so in reality.

Someone somewhere is benefitted

Someone somewhere is benefitted

To be able to sleep peacefully, content with the fact that you made a change in someone’s life is the best feeling in the world. No contribution is big or small, it is the intent that matters.

Givers and seekers

Givers and seekers

We are born into a family of givers, a family capable of giving to society, not into a family of seekers or askers. It’s more of a responsibility that the forces of nature have entrusted us with. Let’s do our part in making the world a better place.

Gratitude towards everything we are blessed with.

Gratitude towards everything we are blessed with

When you donate with all your heart, wishing it does some good into the world and finds its purpose, is when you realize how blessed you are to be able to not just help yourself and your family but even a stranger you know nothing about.

Always remember, it’s the intent that matters far more than the magnitude of your charity. To have a good heart and willingness towards social good is what sets you above everyone else.

There is a multitude of feelings we can all connect to on this topic, share with us, some of your thoughts and feelings about how social welfare changes two lives and not just one.

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