Take Notes From These Characters Of Campus Diaries

Campus Diaries is one of MX Player’s latest original series, released on January 7, 2022. This coming-of-age college drama revolves around the lives of 6 friends as they struggle to live through their college life with each other’s help. Though Campus Diaries has managed to cover a wide range of issues such as love, sex, drugs, ragging, politics, and friendship, it’s still far from reality.

Nevertheless, each character of campus diaries taught us something or another that is too significant to be overlooked. So here’s a list of ‘what to do or, more accurately, ‘what not to do in your 20s, to note from our favourite characters of Campus Diaries.

Focus on your studies, like Sanya.

Focus on your studies, like Sanya.

One of our favorite characters in Campus Diaries is Sanya. You might have mistakenly believed your teacher when they said, “study well in your school because, in college, no one cares whether you study or not.”

On the contrary, you’ll have to make a shitload of assignments, prepare for quizzes, participate in class discussions, maintain a good relationship with your professors, give vivas and exams, and score good marks in college just like you did in school.

So it’s high time you look up to Sanya and focus on your studies just as she does, along with adequate amounts of entertainment.

Spread happiness everywhere you go, like Sudheer.


Be happy and keep up your high spirits like Sudheer, no matter how hard the situation is. He might appear to be a clown to some, but undeniably, he has a heart of gold.

He always had his friends’ backs, and though he is generally a coward, he somehow always manages to stand up for what’s right. Wherever he goes, there’s laughter and happiness, and though he didn’t win the elections, he for sure won our hearts.

Be the change you want to see, like Priyanka.


Saw something you couldn’t tolerate? Speak up! Priyanka taught us there’s no point in returning home upset about why the world isn’t changing when you are static.

Priyanka doesn’t count on anyone else, the moment she sees something which doesn’t sit well with her, she runs to the Dean’s office to complain, and willingly or unwillingly, the authorities have to take action because Priyanka raises relevant questions.

Be sweet like Raghav, but don’t be stoned like him.


I can’t deny that Raghav is a sweet guy; he is fun to be around, and he motivates his friends to move forward while he stays back to get stoned. That’s the problem with Raghav; he thinks he can quit drugs whenever he feels like it, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work. What begins as “just trying” leads to addiction.

Drug abuse is a major problem among students in the country, and the series depicted the situation as realistically as possible.

Don’t be a simp; Abhilash tried and failed!


Simping is a big no-no! No matter how awesome your crush is, they aren’t all that good if they treats you like garbage, heartlessly confine you to the friend zone, is vague about their feelings for you just to keep you on your toes, live off your money, use you as an Uber or Ola to go meet their BF/GF despite knowing your feelings for them. Stay where you are valued, unlike Abhilash, who sold his soul to feed his crush, who never gave two cents about his existence.

Walk away from bad vibes, like Chloe.

Unlike Abhilash or Sushmita, Chloe never wasted an extra second over people who didn’t value her. Chloe loved and respected Raghav; she had faith in him and gave him an ultimatum to quit smoking up when she felt he was getting out of control.

Unfortunately, Raghav’s addiction ended their relationship, and she had no regret in leaving behind bad vibes. Be like Chloe, surround yourself with people who value you, and walk away from garbage immediately.

Don’t be a Sushmita to anyone. Just don’t!


Never entertain a toxic relationship like Sushmita. She got abused, beaten up, lied to, and cheated on repeatedly by a rich guy and still stayed with him because, umm …. Well, he’s rich and influential. She neglected someone who truly loved and appreciated her.

She wasn’t just a bad friend to Abhilash but also took advantage of his feelings, knowing it wouldn’t end well. Don’t be like Sushmita and sell yourself short in exchange for something cheap.

Be both innocent and mature, like Nikhil

While his relationship with his student, Sanya, can appear to be a bit problematic to some of us, it’s undeniable that Nikhil is the perfect partner one could ask for. He’s too innocent for his age but, at the same time, reeks of wisdom. He motivates, scolds, and advises Sanya rightly not to give up her passion just for the sake of a relationship, as love is meant to set you free and not hold you back.

How cute, right? We hope Sanya doesn’t end up being dumb and chooses Raghav over the gold, that is, Nikhil. Campus Diaries is a light watch that better not be taken seriously. It is entertaining, has ample humour to crack you up, and makes you reminisce about your college days. However, if you are a newbie to college, We hope you would take note of our favourite characters in campus diaries to not make the mistakes they made.

P.S. Campus Diaries is a highly unrealistic depiction of Indian colleges/students and is the opposite of what’s waiting for you in college, in real life.

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