The movie series has three parts: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, and Before Midnight. The story begins with a random conversation between Jesse and Celine, who connect...
Recently released Dharma Production movie, Jugjugg Jeeyo starring Kiara Advani, Varun Dhawan, Anil Kapoor, Neetu Singh, Manish Paul, and Prajakta Koli, is a complete drama with...
Bollywood characters do exist in fictional worlds, but they possess the attributes of a human, which is why we end up liking them. Generally, in movies,...
When the movies are created based on an existing novel, the readers get overwhelmed by the news of it. And living up to their expectations is...
We all are curious to know more about our favorite celebrities, comedians, and sportspersons than what is shown through media, and we want to hear them...
Art influences us all, but it takes courage to influence the art itself because it calls for a change and is sometimes as extreme as a...
Not being racist, but have you ever wondered where the “Kaale Chor” came from? Also, the peacocks who took our Nani’s peahen away? Ring any bells?...
Mr. Bean has become a part of Rowan Atkinson’s identity, especially as an actor, like he was made for such a role. In both the series,...
Korean Dramas are being watched by a population larger than ever before. The rise of K-Pop culture made the fans interested in knowing more about them....
Whenever we reminisce about our childhood days, we think of those weekends when it was off from school, and we had all the freedom in the...
Most of us have grown up watching the Mr. Bean TV series starring Rowan Atkinson, which even inspired an animated version. A silent loner because, for...
Some movies portray the reality of society, and the dialogues play a major role to deliver the right message. But if the dialogues of the movie...
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